A Father's Legacy

Father's Day has always been another of those loaded days for us. I remember the first one after Arron died hanging out on a NJ beach with a dozen other 9/11 widows watching our children build sandcastles, dying for a G&T even though it was only 10:30. Somehow we have muddled through the rest unmemorably.This year was the first year where it occurred to me that I was OK that Father's Day was around the corner. I've made no special plans. I am not bracing for anything.Carter has been invited to his friend's house. A friend with two dads. The irony is not lost on me or them I am sure.Yesterday we were at Barnes and Noble and Carter found one of those singing cards and bought it for the dads. In it he wrote:"Happy Father's Day Guys. Even though I am not your son you kind of feel like my dads. Oh and thanks for everything. From Carter."I remembered that Arron, whose own father died when he was 17, also adopted dads on a regular basis. He made many great friends this way, and in turn was a great friend and great father as I am certain his son will be.


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Land of the Lost