After Happily Ever After

I would like to write another book, but I am having a problem finding a topic. At my bravest, I would write about finding love after loss and all its perils. It would mean baring more than just my soul (and I am not sure how naked on the page I really want to be), and I worry that much about love and dating has already been told by others. I guess I question my unique experience. I question the universality of my experience. Finding love again has been fraught with confusion, missteps, poor decisions and no real happy endings. Perhaps that is the story.Having written already about the bright side of loss and grief, I wonder if I am prepared to delve into the netherworld of dating. And how to protect the privacy of those who have dared to love me?My second idea is to write a sequel to my first book. The move to Seattle, writing the book, etc. In trying to figure out this sequel for myself I keep staggering into the mental block of whether or not this story is compelling enough to sell. Perhaps only my tragedy was. Now that I have been plopped back into a routine daily life, I wonder what it is I have to offer to the world. It seems possible that the highs and lows of tragedy are in themselves addicting. No one wants to hear the story after “happily ever after”... Hiho.


Worms in your Applesauce


Grief wisdom, from a 7 year perspective