Abigail Carter, Author, Artist, Website Producer

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An Ill Wind

I spoke to my father on Valentine's Day and he broached the idea with me, of pulling out a manuscript written by my paternal grandfather about his experiences in the war. It seems I come by memoir honestly. Although I have had a copy for years, I have never actually managed to get through it. Perhaps it has to do with my minimal interest in WWII, but suddenly, now that I am a writer, my dad's idea seems obvious. I was dragging my heels a bit, still not picking it up, but then came upon the post of AnnieGirl1138 with a video from The Ghost and Mrs. Muir in which Mrs. Muir writes the book as told by a ghost. So barring any more obvious bonks to the head of what needs to be done here, I am off to read An Ill Wind, by Edwin Albert Carter. I'll keep you posted.