Abigail Carter, Author, Artist, Website Producer

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Entangled Minds

Ever on a quest for understanding, I find myself delving into the depths of quantum theory. I know I am not the only one who finds this stuff interesting, but perhaps I find it interesting for different reasons than most.In Barnes and Noble the other day, I stumbled upon a book called Entangled Minds, by Dean Radin that introduced me to the idea of Entanglement Theory. As Radin so eloquently explains:

One of the most surprising discoveries of modern physics is that objects aren’t as separate as they may seem. When you drill down into the core of even the most solid looking material, separateness dissolves.

He goes on to explain that what remains are relationships between particles that once interacted but then separate and continue their correlations through space and time. These connections were dubbed by one of the founders of quantum theory, Erwin Schrodinger, as “Entanglement.” He is quoted as saying “I would not call [entanglement] one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought.”I am not going to pretend that I will ever fully understand the mathematics of quantum theory, but this rather simple idea of apparently separate particles having a connection over distance and time, I can grasp. Radin contends that “at very deep levels, the separations that we see between ordinary, isolated objects are, in a sense, illusions created by our limited perceptions.” One of the hallmarks of quantum theory is that particles carrying information can interact in a way that makes them “entangled,” so that measuring one seems to instantaneously affect the other, even at great distances.In his book, Radin uses Entanglement Theory as the basis of determining whether it's possible for similar sub-particle connections to exist within human experience. Is it possible for two humans to be entangled? Perhaps they would show similar behaviors even though they were separated by distance. Radin uses the example of identical twins, separated at birth who exhibit similar behavior – the way they dress or wear their hair, the jobs they select, who they become friends with or marry – even though they have not met since being separated.Radin is determined to bring psi research (where “psi” is a neutral term for psychic phenomenon) out of the realm of witchcraft and sorcery and into the light of scientific legitimacy by referring to a myriad of scientific studies based on “psi connection.” If matter and energy can become entangled with other matter and energy, could separate minds then also affect each other at a distance? If so, quantum mechanics could help explain psychic phenomena like telepathy and precognition. That possibility excites Radin. He analyses hundreds of studies done where one person telepathically relates images or drawings as they are being seen by another person who is in another room or even in another country, studies that prove over and over again that telepathy is possible.Of course, I have taken this notion a step further and wondered if it’s possible for a two living organisms to have an ongoing connections after one dies. At a particle level, two people who have a long-term connection may have the ability to maintain that connection even after one of them dies. Anyone who has lost someone (by whatever method, divorce or death) feels a connection to the person who has been lost, even if it is just through memory. Perhaps memory is really just a kind of "after-glow" that happens after an event occurs – a manifestation of Entanglement. With Entanglement theory, everything in the entire universe is linked thus, in theory, an ongoing connection between life and death should be possible. Perhaps such connection transcends an individual completely as so many religions tell us when they talk about us all being connected, being one with the universe. Entanglement theory seems to explain the idea of collective consciousness. If we are all a part of a universal reality, then every action we take is an event that affects all other aspects of this reality. We are one. Heady stuff.To update you on what I'm working on, my post-loss relationship memoir was turned down by my agent, so I'm now working hard on my latest book proposal for a "Paranormal Memoir." Never a dull moment inside this little brain o mine.