Abigail Carter, Author, Artist, Website Producer

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Lessons From Beyond

fire-spirits-dancing-freeWhen I got an email from psychic Lisa telling me that she had moved to Vashon Island permanently, I couldn't help but write her back with a crazy idea I had for the novel that I have been working on, written from the perspective of a guy in heaven. I thought it would be interesting to ask questions to Arron through her, and then incorporate the answers into the book. She responded immediately that she would love to do it, and that Arron was telling her he was excited as well.I know there are a ton of people out there who think this stuff is a bunch of baloney, but for whatever reason, I am very curious (as you probably already know from reading this blog). A friend asked if it was hard for me emotionally to connect with Arron in this way, and in the earlier years, it was. But now? Now, its more like having one of those moments when the light reminds you of another time and place, a moment of nostalgia perhaps, a sensation that you have been transported back in time and can suddenly remember tiny details like colours and smells and light reflecting off water. I do not find it emotionally draining, I find it invigorating and "wistful" best describes the emotion I feel.We met for many hours at my house on Vashon Island, (a twenty-minute ferry ride from Seattle) a place that we decided was like a vortex of some sort of magical energy. Many people who know Vashon say the same thing. The first time, I met with her alone, but the second time, I had the kids with me. After the session with the kids, I noticed something had shifted in them as we made our way back on the ferry. I asked what they thought of it all and Carter replied that he felt like he wasn't scared of dying anymore. Olivia agreed. "Wow," I said. "That's huge!" And it is. I think that losing my fear death was the biggest gift that grief gave me. When you no longer fear death, you are free to live life. I typed as Lisa spoke and this was Arron's message to Carter:

Carter: Is there anything he wanted to say to us before he left?Arron: I love you, of course. I miss you, but I know you are going to be fine. Don't doubt yourself so much Carter. Don't be afraid to take the chances, the risks. Move forward, never backward. Don't be fearful, trust in yourself in your gut, not just in your good brains.

That night Carter decided to cut his perfect Justin Beiber hair and the next morning I almost cried when he had it all buzzed off. Up until that point, he wouldn't have dared to cut his hair, fearful of the teasing he would endure. Once the hair was gone, his personality seemed to change. He got more cocky, more sure of himself somehow. I can't explain it. But I am certain it was related to Arron's message.Some other highlights:

Abby: What did you learn through your death?Arron: When I died, I saw, I learned that all that matters is how you thought on earth, how you loved, how you fought, how you forgave, whether you brought anger, whether you were sorry and wanted to do better. All that really matters is how we treat one another, whether we helped someone or shot them down emotionally, whether we held back or gave more. The sacrifice of love is really that and its worth everything. It's amazing! Its like the levels on this side are dependent on how much you loved each other, how much you served each other. You can't earn it, but in your mind, how you wanted to be, even if you weren't that way all the time is what matters. I learned that being successful, like me, wasn't much. That it was a lot of pride, a lot of ego. I could have spent more time loving you. I'm so sorry. I didn't see that till I was on whatever level I was on. But I see it now and it's exciting and there is no ceiling and I continue to become better somehow. I get to still be connected now. As I get higher it gets harder.

Of course, I asked about sex in heaven...

Sex in heavenMerging of soul beings is better than sex. We can merge with many beings. Far beyond just being a couple, it's a merging of the universe. Ecstatic. I haven't have had the highest form of ecstatic union yet. It's not sex to have sex with just one person, we are in union with everyone. We can choose whom to merge our light with. There are the higher beings. I'm not there yet.I will become one someday, just as you will. That's the goal. But we have to do our work to get there. There's a lot to do here, a lot to go through, unlike anything I can describe to you, not like levels of a building, but levels of energy getting lighter and brighter and more pure and its ecstatically joyful and you are in state of joy and more joy and union with others than I have human words to describe. It is a state of being like no other. And I'll be here to show you around Darlin'. Make no mistake, making love with you was ecstasy for me. You may have been inexperienced. I let you down because I didn't show you more. I was so wrapped up in my head. I knew I was going, but I had to go. I was being called to be here.

Of course, there is much, much more, but you will just have to wait and buy the book if I ever get it finished. I am told by a certain angel that it's going to be very successful and may even be made into a movie. Angelina better be ready.