Abigail Carter, Author, Artist, Website Producer

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Twelve Years. Where does time go?

Carter in Port Hope 2011

Twelve years. Such a short amount of time, and such a lot of life lived. You arrived quickly in true Carter style, determined to be early for your own arrival. Determined. I think that word describes you well. You know what you like and you are determined to live life on your own terms. As a toddler that determination made my life difficult, but I knew I would also always be proud of you for such a trait. No messing around, no guessing. You will be a man who knows what he wants.

But you are also one of the most compassionate, empathetic people I know. You are so generous and when you almost cried the other day because you were leaving me to sit alone in the movie theater so you could sit with your friends, I had to laugh. Never fear my dear, I am never truly alone. You are a good friend, brother, puppy master and I couldn't be prouder to call you my son. In awe really. You dad would have been equally awed. It's amazing to watch you grow into such a wonderful, happy soul. It's been a long road I know, but your determination has served you well.

I love you more than words can say. Happy Birthday Beano.