Abigail Carter, Author, Artist, Website Producer

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Wake up, the Universe is calling

Do you ever have those days or weeks where the stars and the universe seem to align and you feel like you are being guided? I have been having lunches and coffees and conversations with various people in my life where words like "chakras" and "Kundalini Rising" and "meditation" seem to get woven into the fabric of what would otherwise be a normal discussion about writing or travel adventures or misbehaving kids.Discussions with CHA (Curly Haired Architect) are often centered around words like "transformation" and "purpose" and "trust in the universe", and "calling forth desires", and "being called upon."The fact that these discussions are occurring within a very narrow time frame appears significant. Like I am supposed to do something with all of it. That giant neon finger keeps bonking me in the head, but so far I have only been able to discern a few things for certain:1. Whatever you put out into the universe comes back to you. Good stuff and bad stuff. As I get to know CHA better, I am beginning to realize that as well as his appearance in my brain 9 years ago, there are many other things about us that are aligning. Things I wished for without even really being conscious that I was wishing for them: adoring, ambitious yet balanced, spiritually conscious, someone who challenges me, a connection that is easy and obvious, visually oriented...2. Related to this is the idea that you create your own world through thought.  I am still coming to terms with this. How much does pure luck/chance play into our lives? How much power do we really have to create our own universe? Where does fate fit into the whole equation? OK, my brain hurts now.3. Meditation is a theme that seems to repeat itself as in "I need to be meditating more" or more realistically "I need to be meditating period."4. Chakras keep coming up. Not sure why. Maybe connected to #2. Either that or I need to see a doctor. Oops. Better not put that into the Universe. I take it back.In all of this, I am sensing that something is coming, something I need to learn or teach, and need to meditate with in order to discover. God, am I becoming a wacky New Agey Guru or what? Maybe I should write a book... Now THAT can stay out there in that crazy Universe.