Abigail Carter, Author, Artist, Website Producer

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Welcome to My New Blog

Welcome! In an attempt to separate me, the author from my book, I now have two sites: The one you are now on: www.abigailcarter.com and The Alchemy of Loss: www.alchemyofloss.com. Mostly, I needed to do this in anticipation of launching my new book, Remember the Moon. I still have a little more editing to do and have been receiving incredibly positive reviews from my beta readers:

"The book stuck with me, and I found myself talking about it to my husband and friends and dreaming about similar things." – Nancy A."OH.......MY..........GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sad it is over! :-( Just finished your book!!!! Great story, fast read......and WONDERFULLY FABULOUS!!!! I think you could have a best seller on your hands." – Tammie L."It was a fast read and I actually would read it again and reflect a little more on your take of the spiritual components to life." Kim N."Remember The Moon is a creative and unique premise as it relates to the “afterlife…” and what happens after death."

– Margie S.

So exciting! And now for an unveiling... There is a very special story about the cover: Years back, right after The Alchemy of Loss was published, I did a radio interview with Shelagh Rogers in Canada. A while later I received an email from a woman in Vancouver who was enduring her own trauma, had heard my interview and immediately bought my book. We became real-life friends.She is an incredible painter in Vancouver and she sometimes shows her work in Seattle and whenever she does, I go to see her. She became the inspiration for the mother character, Maya in my book who is also a painter. Whenever I wrote the scenes of Maya painting, I would pop open Sheri's site and look at her paintings as inspiration.Last spring I went to one of her shows around the same time I was writing the last chapter of the book and as I finished, with Maya painting, I thought how cool it would be to commission Sheri to paint the cover for the book. Of course when I asked her, her response was "I have a better Idea. I do the painting for you, and you keep it. I don't want anything for it. Your words are very moving, Abby. Somehow your angels know my angels. :)"I sent her my words and she came up with...drumroll...this:

“Remember the Moon,” Sheri Bakes, 2014

Isn't it beautiful? I couldn't be more excited! I am forever in awe of how life and connections and wonderful things unfold. Sheri, you are truly my angel-sister. Love you.