Abigail Carter, Author, Artist, Website Producer

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Yellow birds

Today I have been humbled by emails and letters that I have received from people who heard my May 9th interview on Shelagh Roger's CBC Radio show, Sounds Like Canada. I received a beautiful hand-made card from Bill in Saskatchewan, who writes, "Your ability to express your trauma and emotions was heartfelt... I appreciated sharing and learning from your experiences." As I read an email from Nancy in Alberta, who challenged me to continue writing about grief by recording the stories of others, two tiny yellow birds swooped into the garden outside my office window, (surely a sign from Arron). Nancy's idea is worthy of contemplation. With each email and letter I receive, often a heartfelt expression of someone's own loss, I am comforted by the knowledge that the person behind each email has written as a form of catharsis, emotions expressed one more time in the story that has become a part of who they are. I know with each of those emails, that a tiny bit of healing occurred in its writing and I feel blessed to have elicited and then been the recipient of a person's healing.In my post-book state of limbo, I am trying to be conscious of signs directing me to the next project, whatever that might be. My reader's continued positive emails and two yellow birds seem to be pointing the way.