Abigail Carter, Author, Artist, Website Producer

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I Became a CEO Today!

Kelsye and Abby planning the birth of Writer.ly in 2012.

What an exciting two years it’s been!

What started as a discussion in a coffee shop became a viable website that helps countless writers and freelancers connect to produce a better quality product – be it a book, a website, or a cover design.

Kelsye and I have had a wonderful time getting Writer.ly off the ground and we both marvel at how far we have gotten in such a short period of time. The other day we chuckled that we even managed to stay friends. Quite a feat for partners in a start-up, apparently!

We learned so much along the way – about running a business, building a website, fundraising, marketing and leading a community. Kelsye is one of the smartest, savviest, determined women I know and what I have learned from her has been invaluable. Most importantly, she taught me to be fearless, to take risks, to assume you can do something even when you’re not sure you can. What a gift!

Alas, the day has come for Kelsye to sail off toward her dream of becoming a full-time author, and I have no doubt she will be the next bestseller! I will continue to be her most enthusiastic cheerleader and wish her huge success.

Writer.ly would simply no be without Kelsye and so it will be my greatest challenge to carry on Writer.ly without her.  That said, I indent to use Kelsye’s gift of fearlessness as I continue to build Writer.ly. We had many great ideas for the site and the community which I hope to see to fruition. I have a team of great people helping me and I have Writer.ly’s incredibly supportive community cheering me on.

I look forward to a bright future for Writer.ly.

I hope you will continue to join me for the ride.