Porkpie Hat

Just when I had given up hope of ever finding myself attracted to anyone ever again, I found myself at a fundraiser last night. A super, uber cool one with a twenties theme, where almost all of the volunteers actually wore flapper dresses and aerialists spun from hoops in the ceiling and champagne was mixed with elderberry and lavender liquer. It was raising money for Vitamin Angels, a charity that provides vitamins to children in impoverished placed. And suddenly a handsome man with bushy sideburns and a pork-pie hat was standing beside me. We easily conversed, my posse of my sister and friend and me. They stood back and let us flirt and laugh. My wingwomen pulled chairs up to our table so he could sit with us, in hopes...We even danced and then, he was gone. No numbers exchanged, no lingering looks. Later, as we were leaving I caught up with him again. He had a girlfriend, he explained and hoped he hadn't misled. He hadn't. For me, the thrill was in being seen, and the relief that there still could be someone I wanted to be with. I wasn't broken. That door of possibility which lately has been so tightly secured, is showing just a glint of light through the keyhole...


Woman of Strength?


Just Money