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The Chateau Chronicles – Moving In Part 1
I wish I had been writing every day from the moment I got here, to keep a record, but it’s been a whirlwind. I will try and encapsulate my first 2 weeks in France here, though I will need to break it into two parts so I don’t ramble on too long.
Chateau Chronicles – Packing List
Only two days to go before I jump on an airplane across the world! It doesn’t seem possible!
Chateau Chronicles – Promesse de Vente
Each day, I seem to inch closer to actually owning a French Chateau, though it feels painfully slow. I initially thought that we were due to sign the “Promesse de Vente” on June 20th. I have to say, “Promesse de Vente” sounds so much more romantic than “Purchase Agreement.”
My Chateau Lalande Story
On my first trip to France, I booked a visit to Chateau Lalande on what turned out to be their last day of guests for the season. I visited in hopes of meeting the YouTube famous Stephanie Jarvis and talk with her about the experience of owning a chateau in France as a single woman.
Chateau Chronicles – Taking The Leap
Gulp! I seem to be buying a chateau in France! Catch up on the crazy! Plus… pics!
Chateau Chronicles – Option B
I must thank you all for your comments on my last post, though based on the poll, not one of you selected option A to tell me this whole plan was just this side of the worst financial decision I could possibly make in my lifetime. Instead (selfishly perhaps?), almost everyone who answered the poll selected B (plan a trip to visit) or D (buy in Tuscany).
And so, I have taken your advice and gone with option B! Next week, I fly to France!
How to celebrate? endure? the 20th anniversary of 9/11? Buy an 18th century French chateau.
Perhaps it’s an escape, but for this 20th anniversary, I’ve been fantasizing about buying a French chateau. Right out of left field. OK, this YouTube video may have had something to do with it. I’m a little bit in love with Phillip, the humorous film-maker behind the Vlog. He reminds me a little of Arron. Escapism? Projection? Nostalgia? Insanity? All of the above.
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